Easter in South Africa

Easter is upon us here in South Africa. It means different things for different people. If you are religious person then you go to church normally on Good Friday and then again on Easter Sunday. If you aren’t then you go worship the sun god by going to the beach and getting burnt!

Different churches do different things, for instance the Zionish church of South Africa hold a big conference up in Mpumalanga making it an all weekend event and hundreds of people from all over Southern Africa attend. Our church has a Good Friday service and then on Sunday meet down at the beach and use the ‘Splash Festival’ venue for an open air service after which they have baptisms in the sea . After which everyone goes down to the beach and makes a ‘skottle’ breakfast and this becomes a family event sharing with friends. While the mainline churches will have services on both days in their respective venues.

The Splash Festival in Port Elizabeth is an annual event hosted by the city and features sorts activities and different types of music to cater to the crowds that go there. There are also the stalls that sell everything under the sun and then some more!

About advantageafrica28

Im a quiet centravert who loves to travel locally for now. Enjoy the company of younger people

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